Cove Creek Customer Favorites | |

2022-06-25 05:44:19 By : Ms. Tracy Lei

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1. Totally Clean: A face wash that doesn't dry out your skin, controls acne, and balances the skin. It’s a great product for morning and night.

2. Shampoo and conditioner bars: They're easy to use and last a long time. There are several different formulas. Some customers have said they have reversed gray and promoted hair growth.

3. Pure: It is an unflavored collagen powder that helps with your face, skin, hair, nails, and internally, with gut health.

4. Wild: The Wild candle is based off the Wild spray, which is a bug repellent spray. It can be sprayed on camping gear, yourself, clothes, and boots, to name a few. It is Deet free. The business plans to launch a whole Wild line.

5. Laundry Soda: It is not a detergent, but it loosens the fibers and allows deep trapped-in dirt to get out with natural brighteners for whites and colors. It takes very little, but it does a huge job. The laundry soap scents leave your clothes smelling fresh and light.

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